Wednesday, July 30, 2008


While we're kids we want to experiment and have fun we always do things that we've never tried. We'll jump off the cliff into the water instead of walking in off the beach. We'll try and run up the tree instead on climbing it. We have even tried to jump over stairs and stair cases instead of walking down them. So what makes us want to do these things. It's pure excitement and the Adeline rush we get from doing these things.

While we know that these things have dangers we do them anyway not thinking about the dangers and the future. While some people get hurt others are there to help, and watch these things happen. MTV's scarred is a great show to let you know really how far some kids go and how much they get hurt. It shows just how much guts and how much pain someone can go through. There's everything from jumping off a board the wrong way, to jumping over a huge flight of stairs, or just ride the rails in a park near your house. This show shows you the what could have happened when in these chances did happen.

The dangers are high and we don't really notice this until it happens to us. While all these people on this show were injured they still go back for more, and never stop what their doing just try and be more careful. If they would have done that in the beginning allot of these things wouldn't have happened.

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