Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Reduse, Reuse, And Recycle

With all the things that are produced every year why do we still need the same thing made a thousand to many times. We make Blenders over and over again and people still buy them over and over again but why not share why not use an older one? With thrift stores all over the world you would think that some people would come to the realization we are trying to save our world and reuse things so that they don't need to be remade.

Why not buy a fully working blender at the thrift store? There's nothing wrong with the stuff that is sold there it's just someone else has received something new and want to give someone else the opportunity to have the things that they had. I find it weird how allot of teens and such wouldn't shop in the thrift store. Why not your getting clothing, shoes and so much more for the lowest prices around. Thrift stores and amazing and there is allot of good stuff that can be found. Yes some of it is from the 60's and the 70's but who said we can't bring back those fashions? Older fashions are back and forth all the time what was in back in the 70's may come back into style today.

Our skinny jeans that we love so much were in back when my mom was a teen and they called them bubble jeans. Things that we find so fashionable and fun were once here before. So next time you think about spending $100 on jeans why not swing by the thrift store and see if they have what you want. Your saving money and looking good this should be what EVERYONE wants.

This is not only a good deal for clothing but furniture as well. If you think about it allot of teens are going off the college and may not want to bring all their stuff to their new house if it's far and so on. So why not hit a thrift store near your new apt/house and pick up some useful items that you need. You'll save so much more money and have everything you needed. Now you can't always find everything in one thrift store so why not go to a few more.

Your new, I'm new

Camping is an all time favourite of friends and families all over the world. It's a time to get away from what your used to and what your around everyday and make a change. You want to meet new people and learn new things. So why sit at home all summer on your computer or walking around the same neighbourhood looking for something that just isn't there. Take some time out and go away, relax and have fun. You can go away with your family and friends, or why not just yourself?

If your planning on seeing new things and meeting new people camp is for you. You get involved in fun outdoor activities stay healthy and fit while meeting new friends and having fun. What could you ever disagree with about camping. Other then the bugs this is the best things for a person to do. Time to get out of the big city and forget about all the things going around in your little head, jump up and get away.

College Road Trip

With many of teens growing up and over thining their choices they have found themselves stuck between what college's they want to go to. They may want this one for one reason but another one for a different reason. Some teens may want to stay close to home while others want to flee. While your thinking about the college for you why not go check them out in person and see what there really like.

When we imagine things we think of them with so much more class and perfection but this may not be the case in some of these college's. Don't make the wrong desicion and take a look today. Narrow your search down to a few college's maybe 3-5 and they take the trip of your life. However make sure there not to far apart and you can get there in the time that you want. Stay on track and on sedule and you will have the time of your life. You can go with family or friends just stay out of trouble and don't give up. Oh and remember your still going to be spending a whole lot of your time here, so get one that suits you. Don't give into one your friends are looking at, this is about you.

We Need Fun

Where i live there isn't much for teens to do. We sit around at our computers all day and maybe once a week go out and play a sport or run around but that's still a maybe. We eat fast food and even though it's not all the time it still takes it's toll on our bodies. Teens around here have nothing to do but bully and bug other people, which happens on a regular now. While we might have community centre's and places we can go to, to get in shape and to have Finn with our friends we have no money for this as well. So what are we suppose to do?

Our city has no work for teens, and nothing for them to do with all our spare time. We are probably the number 1 computer consumer city because of the outside activity. While this would benefit our skills on these computers and this could help in the future towards work and so on. What are we to do now.

We are a boring city and need some spunk. Parents get to go to the casino and see Chris Rock while we sit at home and watch him on the computer. YouTube is a friend of all teens because we never see a live concert so we have to see them on here. I know half the people that i talk to and hang out with have never been to a concert or 25% of the have never been outside of Ontario.

While this city trys to motivate and keep teens busy they fail over and over again. This is part of the reason for teens wanting to grow up so fast. We have 14 year old girls trying to go to the club because they don't have anything else they want to do. This is not right and needs to be fixed so what could there solutions be?

Why don't we build a concert hall we could have just as many concerts as they do in Detroit and almost the same people to since they would have to go there first. Celebrities pass through this city all the time but never plan on staying, why not make a change and get some attractions and grab the attention of the people that we want to stay. Expand our city and not over consume ourselves in the casino. Lets think about the other people in the city as well.

Why don't we make it an effort to get teens into our schools instead of telling them no. Into our community centre's instead of charging to much. It's our tax dollars that pay for the community centre's but we still have to pay ridiculous prices as well. The way this city is working isn't paying off in the long run and we need to make a change and make it soon. Before the children and teens of tomorrow move through to fast and forget all about this life, moving forward to dumb decisions.


While we're kids we want to experiment and have fun we always do things that we've never tried. We'll jump off the cliff into the water instead of walking in off the beach. We'll try and run up the tree instead on climbing it. We have even tried to jump over stairs and stair cases instead of walking down them. So what makes us want to do these things. It's pure excitement and the Adeline rush we get from doing these things.

While we know that these things have dangers we do them anyway not thinking about the dangers and the future. While some people get hurt others are there to help, and watch these things happen. MTV's scarred is a great show to let you know really how far some kids go and how much they get hurt. It shows just how much guts and how much pain someone can go through. There's everything from jumping off a board the wrong way, to jumping over a huge flight of stairs, or just ride the rails in a park near your house. This show shows you the what could have happened when in these chances did happen.

The dangers are high and we don't really notice this until it happens to us. While all these people on this show were injured they still go back for more, and never stop what their doing just try and be more careful. If they would have done that in the beginning allot of these things wouldn't have happened.

Mommy Daddy Look!

Children of all ages are raving over Hanna Montana also known as Miley Cyrus. With her celebrity father we all knew it wouldn't be to long before she got into the game to. With her bringing up on the Family channels Hanna Montana we would expect this young girl to be a perfect role model. However with recent discoveries all over the Internet we've come to find that she isn't quit a role model at all.

When you children are growing up and they find that one group that they love and learn all their songs, have all their posters and dance around in all their clothing, then you know that, that person is their role model. For girls my age it was Spice Girls, and Backstreet Boys but now with all the attention towards Disney and their new celebrities. We have children all over the world pointing fingers toward Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers.

With hesitation parents fully support what their child wants but what happen when they stroll upon these pictures on the web, while looking up their favorite singer? If she was such a role model she would want to be conservative and respectful of herself. In these types of pictures she is basically giving the impression that it is okay for your children to want to take pictures in their underwear. With these pictures all over the web, I'm sure allot of parents have banned the search and filtered their computers. If she was the person is acts up to be on television then they wouldn't need to do this.

She's suppose to be fun and young, but in these media pieces we find her showing what only older people care about. This is not a test to see how "sexy" our children can try and be because they want to look like Hanna Montana. Children should be anonymous to things like this while growing up, celebrity stars that we trust shouldn't be displaying this type of advertisement to our children. Miley if your going to act like this and going to dress like this you should have became appealing to teenagers, who understand what's going on.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ding, Ding, Ding

If you're a consistent viewer of YouTube, you understand the whole idea of people getting noticed for their skills and going future in life with the right publication. One of the biggest things for me as a YouTube viewer and a kickboxing fan was seeing Kimbo Slice go from backyard brawls to fighting on national television.

As long as I've been viewer of YouTube i always found myself watching video's of Kimbo fighting illegally to make money and living out of a car in the streets. I watched his struggles and consistency of his winning fights. He was a tough guy and let people know this. There weren't many people who were willing to fight him after they noticed what he was capable of, but this was his way out. He had no skills that he thought were worthy but his fighting skills and that is why he is where he is today.

After his time and time again consistency of fighting and winning and continuing this same circle over and over again he was noticed. MTV's Big from Rob & Big was his sponsor and they took him where he only imagined he'd go. Seeing the skills and determination of this fighter they helped Kimbo Slice become what he is today and even at his older age, he still has more to grow and there will always be more to come from Kimbo Slice.

This isn't for the promotion of street fighting, this is a representation of struggle and determination. Kimbo Slice was down and out with everything, wondering where his next meal was coming from and today he doesn't have to worry anymore. The violence in this video is not prohibited however this was his way.

One Two Step

As i looked all over YouTube for videos that amuse and my consume teens, i was overwhelmed with the video's that there were of people dancing. Me personally being a teen myself finding dancing intriguing and interesting. This is a Hobie of mine and i know there are still many teens that don't enjoy this activity as much as others. For me dancing is a way to express yourself and build on skills. It is an amazing way to stay in shape and fit, and a great exercise for everyone.

As we know many people post video's waiting to get noticed by that one special person with all the right connections and is willing to make a deal with you on getting you involved in something bigger then YouTube posting. Many talents are found all over the web and YouTube is a major gateway to these talents. There are video's displaying all the dances and ones even instructing others on how to do these dances.

However also while you surf YouTube you find a large variety of young girls. Girls that have posted video's of dancing in their underwear. Why is it that girls in today's society find it attractive and "sexy" to be dancing around and shaking their butts in their underwear? While some guys may find this amusing I'm sure that if these young females parents seen these video's they would be disgusted. YouTube allows many people to display many different talents but shaking you "booty" isn't one of these talents.

So next time your looking forward to seeing dancing why not check out YouTube. Wither your planning on learning how to do a dance or just seeing how other's dance to different music. Don't forget to be open about your searches the most amazing dances are on here and available to you the viewer's you just have to go into things with an open mind.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Girls in Sports

We always hear how girls "can't" play sports and all these judgement that parents and children make on each other but if they want to are you going to be the one to tell them no? While every girl is growing up their father are sitting right there beside them wishes and praying that they like sports don't get to involved with "girly" things are boys. For some this comes true for others, nice try!

Females are excelling in sports due to their hardheaded minds and their determination. It's not always a competition with women, it can be mere fun and games. While men and boys are more competitive this doesn't mean that women don't fight for what they earn.

While women might not have be included in games with the males, women have been participating in sports since 776 B.C. This was the time that the males were having the first Olympics excluding the females from the games. So they planned on making their own games of Hera, this was to honor the Greek goddess who ruled over the women and the earth. Since then women have come along way in sports and many are at the point where they can compete with men.

In today's world there are thousands of women involved in sports and many sports that are not just easy. There are women involved in full contact, fighting sports. Not afraid of the contact their are many who rule over these positions and come of the top to become ledges in our world today. So next time you hear someone making a comment about how it's a "guy sport" let them know that there are many females that could crush them in this sport and it's not a "guy sport".

This is a link to one of the toughest sports around and seeing what happens in this video you can tell that there is no difference in sports. Women can do just as well and males. The sex of somebody doesn't limit their skills in sports or anything else for that matter. Never underestimate a female and never discriminate because of someones sex.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Growing up

All children eventually grow up, some faster then others but we all do. Some children develop faster and feel like they have to act "older" because this is how they look. Some develop slower and get this feeling of being left out and wanting to catch up. While everyone who has already been thought this knows that there is no rush to grow up youth and children force this upon themselves.

Growing up should be fun it shouldn't be pressure and worry. We should be able to stand up to what we want and do what we think is right without the next kid telling us something else or calling us names. So why do we rush growing up?

When i was young i would play tag, basketball, and just hang out with everyone that i wanted and thought was good to be around. Now i see children in my neighbourhood worrying about smoking and drinking. There is no reason for you to want to get involved in these things they are only hurting your body and you so why do it?

All the fun that used to be around when i was a kid is slowly going away and everyone is growing up to fast and forgetting the meaning of being a kid. When your a kid you have no worries. You were suppose to fall and cut up your legs, suppose to bump your lip, and suppose to fall of your bike.

Children these days are moving to fast and not just because they are pressured, also because they are not allowed the freedom to make their own mistakes and learn of them. When you were a kid was there warning signs for you everywhere you went and beside everyone you talked to? No!

So why not let them find them warning signs themselves and experience life how you did, with their own judgement towards things.