Sunday, July 27, 2008

Growing up

All children eventually grow up, some faster then others but we all do. Some children develop faster and feel like they have to act "older" because this is how they look. Some develop slower and get this feeling of being left out and wanting to catch up. While everyone who has already been thought this knows that there is no rush to grow up youth and children force this upon themselves.

Growing up should be fun it shouldn't be pressure and worry. We should be able to stand up to what we want and do what we think is right without the next kid telling us something else or calling us names. So why do we rush growing up?

When i was young i would play tag, basketball, and just hang out with everyone that i wanted and thought was good to be around. Now i see children in my neighbourhood worrying about smoking and drinking. There is no reason for you to want to get involved in these things they are only hurting your body and you so why do it?

All the fun that used to be around when i was a kid is slowly going away and everyone is growing up to fast and forgetting the meaning of being a kid. When your a kid you have no worries. You were suppose to fall and cut up your legs, suppose to bump your lip, and suppose to fall of your bike.

Children these days are moving to fast and not just because they are pressured, also because they are not allowed the freedom to make their own mistakes and learn of them. When you were a kid was there warning signs for you everywhere you went and beside everyone you talked to? No!

So why not let them find them warning signs themselves and experience life how you did, with their own judgement towards things.

1 comment:

Mr. Lynn said...

What a good post! It's true that innocence seems to be lost at a younger and younger age. One of the interesting things about aging is the perspective we get of what we made it through and where we came from. It's hard to know exactly the depth of our issues until we move on and reflect on them.

I'm looking forward to reading more.